Newsletter Term 3 Week 6
Principal's Message
Dear Parents and Families,
I hope you had a lovely extra long weekend.
Staff gained a great deal from our school closure day with talented musician and composer, Gen Bryant and her team. Gen's passion for spreading the Gospel messages of justice, love and hope, afforded all in attendance the opportunity to reflect on their own faith journey, the power of music ministry and gain many practical insights and creative strategies to take back to their work in our school.
Installed using proceeds from SRC fundraising efforts in 2023, our St Mary’s Little free libraries have proved very popular. One little library is located at the near the main gate and another the gym car park gate there for use by Shamrock Park Kinder families, OSHC students and of course our own students at St Mary’s. We have just refreshed book stock in both libraries so why not call past and see what's available to read?
There is always something at St Mary’s and this week contains some very popular events taking place for the students to enjoy
Kaboom Sports
We welcome back Luke from Kaboom Sports this Thursday. A firm favourite with the students, Luke's high-energy tabloid Olympics is sure to be a hit. All parents are very welcome to attend. Just advance notice, be prepared to dance and get among the fun as Luke encourages full participation from all involved!
Workshops are as follows:
9:10- Foundation, Year 1, Year 4, 6N,6O
11:40- Year 2, Year 3, Year 5, 6K,6M
On this day all children can wear their PE uniform to enable them to
participate fully in the outdoor activities.
Book Week
Each year, schools and libraries across Australia spend a week celebrating the new work of Australian authors and illustrators often culminating in a day of dressing up as favourite book characters. Throughout the term the children have been reading many of the shortlisted books in preparation for Book Week. St Mary's is famous for its wonderful Book Parade so a warm invitation is extended to join us at the outside assembly area at 9.10 am this Friday, where everyone from Harry Potter to Cinderella will be on parade as children and teachers strut their stuff. A big thank you to our teachers for the great work they do behind the scenes promoting book characters to children looking for costume ideas and for ensuring that all classes have read and discussed the award winning books. A special thank you to the parents who are so supportive and creative with the costumes for their children.
This year’s Book Week theme is “Reading is Magic”.
SAC - August Meeting
Discussion around proving gender inclusive options in our school uniform range, was raised at the August meeting with a sub committee of SAC members formed to investigate this further. Parents will be invited to complete a short survey regarding our uniform as the first step in exploring this suggestion.
All parents are encouraged to reach out to our SAC members if they have items they wish to be discussed at upcoming SAC meetings.
Parent Teacher Interviews and Student Led Conferences
Tuesday 3/9, Wednesday 4/9 and Tuesday 10/9 have been set aside for staff to conduct our second round of Parent/Teacher Interviews. This is a great opportunity for all parents to book a time to spend with your child’s teacher. Our Year 5 & 6 students will participate in Student Led Conferences while our Foundation-Year 4 students will run 3 Way Chats with both parents and their children required to attend. The dates are on our school calendar. Online bookings will be advertised via PAM, the newsletter and on our Social Media pages with bookings opening mid next week.
Father’s and Special Friends Celebrations
Put this on the calendar! On Friday, 30th August we are holding a special event to celebrate all of the Dads and special male figures in the lives of our students. Come along between 10.30-11.30 to see your child in action in the classroom and hear all about what they are learning before spending some time with them on the yard at recess. Look out for a special invitation going home today!
Enjoy the week ahead and I look forward to seeing you at either the Book Parade, Kaboom Sports or out and about in the yard.
"Never See a Need Without Doing Something About It"
Mary MacKillop - Sisters of St Joseph Foundress
Key Dates
Thursday August 22nd
Kaboom Sports
Friday August 23rd
Book Week Parade
Monday August 26th - Tuesday August 27th
Year 4 Camp
Thursday August 29th
Senior Athletics Day
Friday August 30th
Father's Day Event - 10.30am
Casual Dress Day
Wellbeing with Mr Prockter
Child safe standard 3: Children and young people are empowered about their rights, participate in decisions affecting them and are taken seriously.
Building Foundations for the Future: The Role of Respectful Relationships Programs in Schools
In today's rapidly changing world, where social dynamics are constantly evolving, the importance of fostering respectful relationships from an early age cannot be overstated. Schools play a pivotal role in shaping the character and values of young people, making them the ideal environment to cultivate a culture of respect, empathy, and understanding. Respectful Relationships Programs (RRP) in schools are designed to achieve this by teaching students the skills and attitudes necessary for healthy and positive interactions.
What is a Respectful Relationships Program?
Respectful Relationships Programs are comprehensive educational initiatives aimed at promoting respect, equality, and healthy relationships among students. These programs are often part of a broader strategy to prevent gender-based violence, bullying, and other forms of harmful behavior. They focus on developing social and emotional skills, understanding the importance of consent, recognizing and challenging stereotypes, and promoting inclusivity.
The core objective of these programs is to create a safe and supportive school environment where all students feel valued and respected. By teaching young people about the importance of mutual respect and equality, these programs help to prevent the development of discriminatory attitudes and behaviors that can lead to violence and abuse.
Key Components of Respectful Relationships Programs
- Social and Emotional Learning (SEL): SEL is a foundational element of RRP. It involves teaching students how to manage their emotions, build healthy relationships, and make responsible decisions. These skills are crucial for developing empathy, resilience, and a sense of community.
- Understanding and Respecting Diversity: A critical aspect of RRP is educating students about the importance of diversity and inclusivity. This includes addressing issues such as gender equality, cultural diversity, and the rights of individuals with different abilities and backgrounds. By fostering an appreciation for diversity, these programs help to break down stereotypes and reduce prejudice.
- Consent and Healthy Relationships: Respectful Relationships Programs emphasize the importance of consent and understanding boundaries in relationships. Students are taught about the significance of mutual agreement in interactions, the importance of saying "no" when uncomfortable, and how to respect others' boundaries. This component is essential for preventing gender-based violence and promoting respectful interactions.
- Challenging Gender Stereotypes: Many Respectful Relationships Programs address the harmful impact of gender stereotypes on both boys and girls. By challenging traditional notions of masculinity and femininity, these programs encourage students to develop their identities based on personal strengths and interests, rather than societal expectations.
- Bystander Intervention: Teaching students to recognize and respond to disrespectful or harmful behavior is another key element of RRP. Bystander intervention strategies empower students to act when they witness bullying, harassment, or discrimination, fostering a sense of collective responsibility for the well-being of their peers.
Research shows that schools that implement Respectful Relationships Programs report a reduction in bullying, harassment, and other forms of violence. These programs not only improve the overall school climate but also contribute to better academic outcomes, as students feel safer and more supported in their learning environment.
At St Mary’s we value this program greatly and will continue to have it as a focus to teach the next generation.
Have a great week everyone!
Mr Prockter
RE with Mrs Davies
Feast Day Celebrations
It was a lovely celebration of our Assumption of Mary Feast Day last Thursday. We gathered together for our whole school mass celebrating the life of Mother Mary and what a special person she was. A big thanks to Fr James and the Year 6 students for leading a beautiful mass. A special mention also to Gen Bryant and her band who played some beautiful music for us. After recess we were entertained with Gen’s whole school concert. The students were absolutely amazing and thoroughly enjoyed singing and dancing to a range of different songs. After lunch Gen and the team then worked with our Choir for a music workshop. Overall it was a fantastic day!
PE with Miss Clark
Regional AFL
On Tuesday the 13th of August we had our girls and boys teams compete at Regionals for Footy. Firstly, a huge thank you to Tenay and Michael for coaching on the day.
The boys team won the first 2 games but lost the third and unfortunately didn't make the grand final due to percentage, BUT can be congratulated as the team that won the day were beaten by our boys in their second game!
The girls team also won their first 2 games and lost the third game by a point, but made it to the grand final on percentage.
They played the same team in the grand final that they lost to by a point to, and unfortunately the other team found another gear and was too strong in the final.
Congratulations on both teams for making it to the Regional level. We certainly have some very talented footy players at St Mary's and both teams showed great sportsmanship, teamwork and effort in all their games playing in the full sun.
This week is the last of the four gymnastics after school sessions. The students have gained confidence throughout these sessions on different equipment and have learnt some fun new games. If parents are interested in continuing gymnastics lessons for their child, here is a link to the Swan Hill Gymnastics webpage
Senior Athletics Volunteers
The Senior Athletics is not too far away now on Thursday, 29th of August. Thank you to parents who have volunteered to help out with the events so far. These days rely greatly on parental assistance in order to have a successful day. Those who have volunteered, you will receive event information on which event you are helping out with at the end of this week. If you aren’t volunteering yet and are willing to help out, feel free to get in touch either by emailing the office or via PAM.
Junior Athletics Carnival
On Thursday, September 5th, the Junior Athletics will be held here at St Mary’s on the oval. Information in regards to this was sent home last week. Much similar to the Senior Athletics, many hands make light work so if you are willing to help out for the day please fill in the note and return it to school or send the office an email with the time slot that suits you.
@2 Murlong Before & After School Care
The Out of School Hours Care program, @ 2 Murlong, is operating out of the gym hub and provides before and after school care for school age children in the Swan Hill area. Please express your interest via the following link;
News from the Office
Working with Children Check
A reminder to bring your Working with Children Check with you if you are coming on to the school grounds for volunteer purposes.
Student Absences
Just a reminder that if your child is absent from school, you need to let the office know, preferably via PAM, prior to 9.25am.
Country Bus Travel
Country Buses are to be used for registered travellers only. If Country Bus travel is required in an emergency, please contact the office so that the appropriate paperwork can be completed.
News from the Canteen
Volunteers Needed:
We are always on the lookout for volunteers in our school canteen. You just need your VIC WWCC. Volunteer hours at 11.30am-1.30pm. Please email if you are able assist
Ordering from the canteen:
Recess and lunch orders are placed online only via CDF Pay. The orders close at 9.30am each day, so it is recommended you place your order the night before. Our canteen is a very busy, so late orders will be offered limited options. Please contact the office if you need help with CDF Pay.
Just a reminder to sign in at the office when you are on canteen duty