Newsletter Term 2 Week 11
Principal's Message
Dear Parents and Families,
Although it's been a longer term, the time has flown and it is hard to believe we are now halfway through the school year. This week you will receive your child’s mid-year reports in the mail. They have been a real pleasure to read and I wish to acknowledge the efforts of our wonderful teaching team who put in so much effort in writing detailed and descriptive reports about the students in their care. I am sure you will enjoy taking some time to reflect on and to acknowledge the great things your children have achieved this semester.

This week we say goodbye to Stacey Hanns who is commencing family leave, and to Ellen Brose. We will miss Stacey's positive energy and great work ethic and we hope she rests up before Ed’s new brother or sister arrives. We have loved having Ellen on staff as an LSO and working in the OSHC and hope Ellen enjoys her new classroom role.
This week we also say farewell to the one and only Aileen. Aileen has been an LSO on staff for 14 years and over that time has supported hundreds of children and been a partner and backstop to many teachers in the junior area. Ails has decided it's time to get traveling, spend more time with the grandchildren and garden, and enjoy the next chapter ahead. We sincerely thank Aileen for all she has done to shape the lives of so many children in her care and wish her a very happy retirement. We will miss you Ails!
Junior Hub Official Opening
It was wonderful to acknowledge and thank all those involved in the design and construction of the Junior Hub at our opening last week. Our Year 2 and 3 students and some special guests attended this special ceremony to officially open the hub and bless the building.

Parent Survey- your opinion matters!
Thank you to the many families who have already completed the survey. We value your opinion about what we are doing well and anything we could do better to continue to continue to improve our school. I would encourage all parents to take a few minutes to complete this short survey which asks for your feedback on a range of areas of school operation. The survey will be open until the end of the term.
Winter Appeal
We had a great response to this very worthy cause with over 130 bags of groceries and nonperishable items distributed between The Good Kitchen, The Food Hub and St Vinnies to support those in need in our local community. Thank you all very much for your generosity.

St Mary’s Disco
Some advance notice about this very popular school event. The disco will be held on Friday, July 26th at the Jubilee Centre (MacKillop College).
Our P&F do a great job organizing events that not only raise money for the school but provide the children with lots of fun. They are looking for parent helpers to help with setting up, packing up and/or to assist the leadership team in supervising the disco. Please email if you would like to help.
Lots more information about the disco next term!

Early finish for the last day of Term
A reminder that school finishes one hour earlier than normal for the last day of Term this Friday.
Bell times:
2.15 - Town Bus travellers and students walking or riding home
2.20 - Country Bus travellers
2.25 - Students being picked up by family or friends

I hope you all enjoy the last few days of term and have a great week and enjoy a safe and happy holiday with your children.
"We have much for which to be thankful"
St Mary MacKillop 1875
Key Dates

Wednesday June 24th
Peter Walsh visit - Year 4
Foundation Level Liturgy - 12.30pm
Friday June 28th
Casual Dress Day
Assembly 12.25pm - 2S
End of Term 2 - 1 hour earlier finish time
Monday July 15th
Start of Term 3
Thursday July 18th & Friday July 19th
Flying Start session 3
Friday July 19th
Assembly 12.25pm - 5A
Wellbeing with Mr Prockter
The End-of-Night Connection: Fostering Social and Emotional Wellbeing in Children
In the hustle and bustle of daily life, it's easy for families to get caught up in routines and forget the importance of genuine connection. Yet, it's often in the quiet moments at the end of the night where the most profound connections between parents and children can occur. These bedtime rituals are more than just a way to wind down; they play a crucial role in nurturing the social and emotional wellbeing of children.
The Power of Routine
Children thrive on routine and predictability, and bedtime provides a perfect opportunity for establishing a calming, consistent routine. This routine can include activities like reading a book, sharing stories about the day, or simply talking about thoughts and feelings. Such practices offer a sense of security and stability, which is foundational for emotional wellbeing.
Building Emotional Bonds
Bedtime is a unique time when the distractions of the day are set aside, and children often feel more open to sharing their thoughts and feelings. This creates a valuable opportunity for parents to connect emotionally with their children. Engaging in meaningful conversations at the end of the night helps children feel heard, valued, and understood. This emotional bonding is essential for developing a child's self-esteem and sense of belonging.
Enhancing Communication Skills
Regular end-of-night conversations can significantly enhance a child's communication skills. These interactions teach children how to articulate their feelings, listen actively, and engage in empathetic dialogue. As children practice expressing themselves and hearing their parents' perspectives, they develop better social skills, which are crucial for forming healthy relationships throughout life.
Addressing Anxieties and Fears
The quiet, intimate environment of bedtime is an ideal setting for children to express any anxieties or fears they might be experiencing. Whether it's worries about school, friendships, or personal challenges, discussing these issues with a parent can provide immense relief. Parents can offer reassurance, guidance, and support, helping children navigate their emotions and develop coping strategies.
Strengthening Family Bonds
The end-of-night connection is not just beneficial for children; it also strengthens family bonds. These moments of togetherness foster a sense of unity and mutual trust. Parents who take the time to connect with their children at bedtime often find that it enriches their own sense of purpose and fulfillment as well.
Promoting Better Sleep
Emotional wellbeing and quality sleep are closely linked. A consistent bedtime routine that includes connection and comfort helps children relax and transition into sleep more easily. Feeling secure and supported reduces bedtime resistance and nighttime anxieties, leading to more restful and restorative sleep.
Long-Term Benefits
The benefits of these end-of-night connections extend far beyond childhood. Children who experience strong emotional bonds with their parents are more likely to develop into emotionally intelligent and resilient adults. They tend to have better mental health, higher academic achievement, and stronger social relationships. The foundation of trust and communication laid during these nightly rituals can last a lifetime.
Practical Tips for Parents
To maximize the benefits of end-of-night connections, parents can consider the following tips:
- Create a Consistent Routine: Establish a calming bedtime routine that includes time for connection.
- Be Present: Give your full attention during these moments. Put away distractions like phones or TVs.
- Listen Actively: Encourage your child to share their thoughts and feelings, and listen without judgment.
- Share Stories: Reading books or sharing personal stories can create a comforting and engaging environment.
- Offer Reassurance: Provide comfort and reassurance, especially if your child is expressing fears or anxieties.
- Encourage Reflection: Ask open-ended questions about your child's day to promote reflection and dialogue.
The end-of-night connection is a simple yet profoundly impactful practice that fosters social and emotional wellbeing in children. By dedicating time to engage with their children at bedtime, parents can nurture a strong emotional bond, enhance communication skills, and support their child's overall development. These nightly rituals are an investment in a child's future, building a foundation of love, trust, and emotional resilience that will benefit them throughout their lives.
Have a great holiday period, and I hope you can all stay healthy over the winter months.
Mr Prockter 🙂
Curriculum with Mrs Hall
Year 5 Inquiry - People are connected globally
Our Year 5 children are currently immersed in exploring the Olympics, embarking on a journey of discovery and enjoyment. Delving into the rich history of the Games, from their ancient origins in Greece to their modern-day spectacle, has expanded their understanding of global traditions and athletic excellence. Through self-directed research, students have uncovered fascinating stories, iconic moments, and the evolution of various sports and athletes. The opportunity to choose their own research topics and create unique projects—whether through posters, presentations, or creative models—has made the learning process both engaging and empowering. From watching the current Olympic swimming trials in awe of an athletic cousin, to reminiscing when the torch was carried by a family member has added many personal connections for students.
Sharing their findings in class not only showcased their hard work but also sparked lively discussions, further fueling curiosity and wonderings. With only 31 days remaining until the opening ceremony our students are eagerly awaiting the beginning of the Paris Olympics on July 26, 2024.

RE with Mrs Davies

St Mary’s Annual Winter Appeal
At St Mary’s we place a strong focus on Social justice and try to live out the Gospel through our actions. One example of this is our commitment to the annual St Mary’s Winter Appeal. The Winter Appeal provides emergency relief to people at risk and experiencing homelessness. Over the last two weeks we received over 1300 donations of non-perishable food which today will be organised into hamper bags and distributed to those in need in our community. This appeal is being coordinated by our student representative Council (SRC). This year we are supporting 3 local organisations - St Vinnies, Swan Hill Food Hub and A Good Kitchen.

PE with Miss Clark

Division Winter Sport
The weather for our Year 5/6 Division Winter Sport day was cold but sunny with little wind on Friday the 21st of June. We were lucky that all the rain came the day before! All of our students should all be proud of their sportsmanship and efforts on the day. A big thank you to the St Mary MacKillop College students who coached our St Mary’s teams and to the parents and family members that came down to show their support.
Below are the winner and runner up results for the day;
AFL: Winners in Division 1 Boys
Netball: Winners in Division 1 Girls team A
Winners in Division 2 Girls team D
Runners Up Division 2 Girls team E
Soccer: Winners in Division 1 Boys team A
Runners Up Division 1 Girls
Teeball: Winners in Division 1 Boys
The winning teams for Division 1 Netball, AFL, Soccer and Teeball will progress through to the Regional level next term. Thank you to all the Year 5 and 6 staff that helped out on the day.

Our Foundation and Year 1 students have completed all four PE lessons of the PMP program last week with a catch up session for Year 1G and 1H classes today. The program aims to practice and improve fundamental motor skills in young students. The students really enjoyed it and thank you to all of our parents and House Captain’s for your time in helping to run the station activities.
@2 Murlong Before & After School Care

The Out of School Hours Care program, @ 2 Murlong, is operating out of the gym hub and provides before and after school care for school age children in the Swan Hill area. Please express your interest via the following link;

News from the Office

Working with Children Check
A reminder to bring your Working with Children Check with you if you are coming on to the school grounds for volunteer purposes.
Camps, Sports & Excursions Fund (CSEF)
Applications for CSEF close on 28th June 2024
If you hold a valid means-tested concession card or are a temporary foster parent, you may be eligible for CSEF. The allowance is paid to the school to use towards expenses relating to camps, excursions or sporting activities for the benefit of your child. The annual CSEF amount per student is $150 for primary school students.
New applicants should contact the school office to obtain a CSEF application form or download from the CSEF website
If you applied for the CSEF at your child’s school in 2023, you do not need to complete an application form in 2024 unless there has been a change in your family circumstances.
You only need to complete an application form if any of the following changes have occurred:
* New student enrolments; your child has started or changed schools in 2024 or you did not apply in 2023
* Changed family circumstances; such as a change of custody, change of name, concession card number, or new siblings commencing at the school in 2024.
If you are unsure please contact the school office on 50332541.
If you are eligible for CSEF you are also eligible for the Family Fee Assistance Scheme. The FFAS amount for 2024 is $860.00. This amount is credited against your school fee account once your CSEF application has been validated.

School Beanies
With the weather cooling down, now is a great time to purchase a school beanie. Available of CDF Pay for $15.
Student Absences
Just a reminder that if your child is absent from school, you need to let the office know, preferably via PAM, prior to 9.25am.
School Fees
Just a reminder that as we approach the end of Term 2, two thirds of your school fees account for 2024 should be paid.
News from the Canteen

Volunteers Needed:
We are always on the lookout for volunteers in our school canteen. You just need your VIC WWCC. Volunteer hours at 11.30am-1.30pm. Please email if you are able assist
Ordering from the canteen:
Recess and lunch orders are placed online only via CDF Pay. The orders close at 9.30am each day, so it is recommended you place your order the night before. Our canteen is a very busy, so late orders will be offered limited options. Please contact the office if you need help with CDF Pay.
Just a reminder to sign in at the office when you are on canteen duty

Student of the Week
Happy Birthday!