Newsletter Term 2 Week 5
Principal's Message
Dear Parents and Families,
On Friday morning we celebrated and acknowledged how special our Mums and Special Friends are to their families at our annual Mother's Day morning tea. The children were excited to have their special friends and family members visit their classroom and share in their learning, before receiving a special treat for morning tea and having recess with them in our beautiful gardens. The weather was kind to us and there was a wonderful atmosphere and buzz around the school as children proudly showed their family and friends their school work, before sharing their gifts and treats with loved ones and having recess with them in our beautiful gardens.
Mother's Day Morning Tea

Staff News
On Friday we said farewell for a little while to Tagan Koschitzki who is taking some time to rest up before the arrival of her twins later in the term. Tagan has been instrumental in setting up our very popular new specialist subject STEM. We thank her for her passion, commitment, and innovative approach to her work, and while there is no doubt twins will keep her on her toes, we hope that she is back with us soon. Today we welcome Elsie Aylett to St Mary’s and in other special news, Denise Jordan and her husband Daniel welcomed Isabelle into their family recently and Evie, a beautiful baby girl for Tarsha and Tom Ward, arrived last week.
Closure Day - Thursday, 16th May
Lastly, a reminder that Thursday, May 16th, is a pupil-free day for teachers to analyse data, moderate student work, and commence report writing.
Flying Bookworm Performance
A favourite incursion for the Junior children, The Flying Bookworm are back today with performances at 11.30 am (Year 1) and again at 1.45 pm (Foundation). The Flying Bookworm company requires a lot of participation from the audience so with everything from The Three Billy Goats Gruff to The Gingerbread Man on the program, we are in for some fun as they recruit both staff and students to help out!

Year 2 Camp & Year 6 Transition Day
Year 2’s had a fabulous time on camp on Thursday and thoroughly enjoyed all the many experiences on offer. Listening to the kids, it seems Lawn Bowls was a firm favourite followed closely by exploring the bunker at the Catalina Museum, the pizza tea, and the Heartbeat of the Murray laser show! It was also lovely to see some family members join the campers for their tea at St Mary’s before they departed for the Pioneer Settlement. Thanks so much to all who came along and who pitched in and helped with serving afternoon tea and the evening meal.
Likewise, Year 6 enjoyed their first taste of secondary school when they spent the day at MacKillop College. It was a great opportunity for our students to enjoy the range of experiences on offer, gain confidence and familiarity in the secondary environment, and meet key staff who work there.
Flying Start and Enrolments for 2025
We are open for 2025 enrolments for Foundation to Year 6 students and are taking registrations for our school transition program - Flying Start. Flying Start is a terrific way for preschoolers to prepare for life in Foundation, get to know teachers, and build their familiarity with the school environment. Our parent community is one of our best forms of advertising so please let friends and families know about the great teaching and learning programs and level of care that exists at St Marys when they are considering school options for their children.
Our local preschools, including Shamrock Park, are also open for 2025 for both 3 & 4 year old enrolments on the Shine Bright webpage. We have been fielding some enquiries for securing places for 4-year-old kindergarten in 2025 and ask that you direct these to the Shine Bright Office on 03 54431229.
Nude Food Day
Deb Parsons and the Sustainability Leaders have organized a Nude Food Day for this Tuesday, May 14th. The focus is on reducing rubbish/paper on our school grounds. They hope you can get behind this initiative.

Transition to Winter Uniform
All good things must come to an end! This week marks the transition into winter uniform with all children expected to be decked out in winter uniform by Friday 24th May
To avoid a phone call home or a uniform notice, please ensure your child is only wearing their sports uniform on the day they have PE with Miss Clarke or their level sports day. Thank you for your support in ensuring your child is in the correct uniform each day.
Senior Cross Country
Our thanks go to Miss Clark for her organization of the Senior Cross Country last week. It was terrific to see the way the children participated and encouraged each other. Congratulations to those children who were successful in going through to the Division Cross Country which is held on Tuesday in Swan Hill.
Enjoy this beautiful Autumn sunshine while it lasts

"We have much for which to be thankful"
St Mary MacKillop 1875
Key Dates

Monday May 13th
Flying Bookwork Performance
Tuesday May 14th
Division Cross Country
Year 4 Eucharist Retreat
Thursday May 16th
Pupil Free Day - Staff PD
Friday May 17th
School in Action Tour
Assembly 12.30pm - 3X
Monday May 20th & Tuesday May 21st
Year 3 Camp
Monday May 20th
Dion Drummond Indigenous Performance
Wednesday May 22nd
Year 2 Level Liturgy 11.30am
Thursday May 23rd
Junior Cross Country
Friday May 24th
Assembly 3Y - 12.25pm
Wellbeing with Mr Prockter
Protecting Childhood: The Case for Keeping Students off Social Media in Primary School
In an era where digital devices are ubiquitous and social media platforms dominate online interactions, the question of when children should be introduced to these platforms becomes increasingly pertinent. While the benefits of technology in education are undeniable, there is a growing body of evidence suggesting that exposing primary school students to social media may have detrimental effects on their well-being and development. Therefore, advocating for keeping students off social media during their primary school years is crucial in safeguarding their childhood and promoting healthy growth.
Distraction from Learning
One of the most pressing concerns regarding social media use among primary school students is its potential to disrupt the learning process. Social media platforms are designed to be addictive, with endless streams of content vying for users' attention. For young children who are still developing their ability to focus and concentrate, the constant notifications and distractions posed by social media can impede their academic progress. Instead of engaging with educational materials, they may find themselves drawn into the vortex of likes, comments, and shares, ultimately hindering their cognitive development.
Cyberbullying and Peer Pressure
Primary school years are a time of social and emotional growth, during which children are learning to navigate relationships and develop a sense of self-esteem. However, the anonymity and perceived detachment afforded by social media can amplify negative behaviors such as cyberbullying and peer pressure. Without the supervision and guidance of adults, children may be more susceptible to online harassment or manipulation, leading to feelings of isolation, anxiety, and low self-esteem. By keeping students off social media until they are older and better equipped to handle these challenges, we can mitigate the risks of harm to their mental and emotional well-being.
Unrealistic Body Image and Self-Comparison
Social media is saturated with carefully curated images and lifestyles that often present unrealistic standards of beauty and success. For impressionable young minds, constantly exposed to these images, the impact can be profound. Research has shown a correlation between social media use and body dissatisfaction among adolescents, with the potential for negative self-comparison and unhealthy behaviors such as disordered eating. By delaying access to social media until children have developed a stronger sense of self and critical thinking skills, we can help shield them from these damaging influences and promote a healthier body image.
Privacy and Online Safety Concerns
Primary school children may lack the maturity and understanding to navigate the complexities of online privacy and safety. Social media platforms often collect vast amounts of personal data, which can be exploited by malicious actors for targeted advertising or even identity theft. Moreover, children may inadvertently share sensitive information or engage with strangers online, putting themselves at risk of exploitation or grooming. By keeping students off social media until they are older and better able to understand and manage these risks, we can help protect their privacy and safety in the digital realm.
While technology undoubtedly plays a valuable role in modern education, the introduction of social media to primary school students raises significant concerns regarding their well-being and development. By delaying access to social media until children are older and more emotionally mature, we can mitigate the risks of distraction, cyberbullying, unrealistic body image standards, and online safety concerns. In doing so, we can preserve the innocence of childhood, promote healthy growth, and ensure that students have the opportunity to engage with technology in a safe and responsible manner when the time is right. It's time to prioritize the well-being of our children and protect them from the potential harms of social media during their formative years.
Have a good week everyone!
Mr Prockter 🙂
Curriculum with Mrs Hall
National Simultaneous Storytime (NSS) is an annual event that aims to engage children of all ages to enjoy books by creating a sense of excitement around reading. Now in its 24th successful year, it is a colourful, vibrant, fun event that aims to promote the value of reading and literacy. On this special day (Wednesday 22nd May) students and teachers all read the same book. This year, we’re excited to be reading “Bowerbird Blue” by Aura Parker.
Aura Parker is an award-winning illustrator, writer and designer. Her picture books are joyful with a playful sense of humour, brimming with details to explore. Aura Parker’s storytelling though words and pictures inspires imagination, courage and confidence in young readers as well as a love, curiosity and passion for nature.

This lyrical story follows the journey of a bowerbird on his quest for all things blue, all the while feeling that something is amiss in his life. The bowerbird's collection, dominated by plastic caps, straws and tags invites reflection on environmental pollution and its challenges.
PAT: Progressive Achievement Tests
“More than two-thirds of all Australian schools use PAT to improve learning outcomes for every student” Progressive Achievement Tests, commonly known as PATs, are one of the main sets of tests schools use. PATs are multiple-choice tests designed to help teachers determine achievement levels of students in Mathematics, Reading Comprehension and Vocabulary, and Listening Comprehension. During the month of May our Year 1-6 students complete PAT Reading, Maths, and Year 3-6 also complete the PAT Grammar and Punctuation test. These tests are completed online using Chromebooks and iPads. Data gathered will inform teachers of students’ current strengths and areas for improvement which can be used for planning teaching and learning, and monitoring progress over time with PAT testing also conducted again in October.
RE with Mrs Davies

Eucharist Retreat Day - Tuesday 14th May
This Tuesday 14th May a large number of our Year 4 children will be heading down to the Parish Centre for their Eucharist Retreat Day. The children will participate in a number of different activities in preparation for receiving their first Eucharist in a few weeks time. A big thank you to Fr James and Mary for all the work they have done in readiness for this day.
PE with Miss Clark
Senior Cross Country
Last Wednesday St Mary’s had their Senior Cross Country for students in Years 3-6 at Riverside Park.. Thank you to all the parents, friends and families supporting our students on the day. The students who ran a place in the top 5 will be representing St Mary’s at the Division Cross Country this Tuesday the 14th of May at Riverside Park. Goodluck to all St Mary’s students!
Senior Cross Country

Division Cross Country
Goodluck to all the St Mary’s students competing at the Division Cross Country this week on Tuesday the 14th of May. They will be racing against local schools at Riverside Park for their chance to qualify for Regionals. All families are welcome to attend this event and support the students.
The races will be held at the following times (approximate only):
11:00am 12/13 year girls (3km) 11:20am 12/13 year boys (3km)
11:40am 11 year girls (3km) 12:00pm 11 year boys (3km)
12:30pm 10 year girls (2km) 12:45pm 10 year boys (2km)
1:00pm 9 year girls (2km) 1:20pm 9 year boys (2km)
PMP parent helpers
Still calling out for any parent volunteers to help with Foundation and Year One PMP this term starting in week 7! Volunteers will be asked to help run a station activity with a small group of students under my guidance during their PE specialist time. If you are interested please return your child/ren’s note or contact the office.
Year 5 and 6 Winter Sport
Winter sport coaching for Year 5 and 6 students starts this week. The students could choose from Netball, Football, Soccer or TeeBall. All 4 coaching sessions are conducted by Mackillop students and held here at school on Tuesday afternoons during their year level sport time. The Division Winter Sports day will be held later in the term on Friday the 21st of June. Information for this event will be sent via PAM at a later date.

Junior Cross Country
The St. Mary’s Junior Cross Country (Foundation to Year 2 students) is next week on Thursday the 23rd of May on the St. Mary’s School oval between 2:00pm and 3:00pm. All family and friends are welcome to attend to support their child/ren. All children are encouraged to participate with the aim of having fun and trying your best. The following are approximate times of the events;
2.10pm - Foundation Girls
2.15pm - Foundation Boys
2.20pm - Year 1 Girls
2.25pm - Year 1 Boys
2.30pm - Year 2 Girls
2.40pm - Year 2 Boys
@2 Murlong Before & After School Care

The Out of School Hours Care program, @ 2 Murlong, is operating out of the gym hub and provides before and after school care for school age children in the Swan Hill area. Please express your interest via the following link;

News from the Office

Working with Children Check
A reminder to bring your Working with Children Check with you if you are coming on to the school grounds for volunteer purposes.
Camps, Sports & Excursions Fund (CSEF)
Applications for CSEF close on 28th June 2024
If you hold a valid means-tested concession card or are a temporary foster parent, you may be eligible for CSEF. The allowance is paid to the school to use towards expenses relating to camps, excursions or sporting activities for the benefit of your child. The annual CSEF amount per student is $150 for primary school students.
New applicants should contact the school office to obtain a CSEF application form or download from the CSEF website
If you applied for the CSEF at your child’s school in 2023, you do not need to complete an application form in 2024 unless there has been a change in your family circumstances.
You only need to complete an application form if any of the following changes have occurred:
* New student enrolments; your child has started or changed schools in 2024 or you did not apply in 2023
* Changed family circumstances; such as a change of custody, change of name, concession card number, or new siblings commencing at the school in 2024.
If you are unsure please contact the school office on 50332541.
If you are eligible for CSEF you are also eligible for the Family Fee Assistance Scheme. The FFAS amount for 2024 is $860.00. This amount is credited against your school fee account once your CSEF application has been validated.
Buses - Town & Country Bus Reminders
Just a reminder that casual travel on our town bus service is $3 per day/per family. We kindly ask that this is sent to the office on the day that travel in required.
We are unable to issue bus passes for Country Buses. These buses are State Government funded and are for registered travellers only to travel to and from their place of residence.
News from the Canteen

We are looking for volunteers to help in our school canteen during 2024. Volunteer hours at 11.30am - 1.30pm. If you have a Victorian WWCC and would like to assist, please contact the office on 50332541.
Ordering from the canteen:
Recess and lunch orders are placed online only via CDF Pay. The orders close at 9.30am each day, so it is recommended you place your order the night before. Our canteen is a very busy, so late orders will be offered limited options. Please contact the office if you need help with CDF Pay.
Just a reminder to sign in at the office when you are on canteen duty

Happy Birthday!

Week 4 Highlights