Newsletter Term 4 Week 11
Principal's Message
Dear Parents and Families,
There was a very positive vibe at St Mary’s on Friday morning Friday as everybody enjoyed the step up to their 2024 class and spending time with their new teacher and classmates. Thanks to our teachers for their careful preparation for this day and the little extra things they did to make sure each child had a lovely morning. Families have the opportunity to meet with staff on Monday, 29th January or Wednesday, 31st January, 2024 at our Meet The Teacher Chats with a reminder on how to book a time outlined on the newsletter today.
Last Wednesday Anaya Kamal joined us at St Mary’s and it was lovely to see the children in 2C make her feel so welcome.
The end of the year is always a time to say farewell to members of our school community. For our Year 6 families who have the last of their children finishing at St Mary’s, we wish you all the very best for the future and thank you for all your contributions over the years.
This week we say farewell to some of our staff;

Aleisha Pye
With Aleisha taking time out to focus on completing her teaching degree, it is not so much a case of farewell, but good luck! Aleisha has been a terrific LSO and an asset on staff and we are all going to really miss her. We hope Aleisha enjoys the opportunity to focus on her study and look forward to Mrs Pye returning soon.

Bridgette King
Exciting time for Bridgette as she takes up her first teaching role in 2024. We wish Bridgette all the very best with her P/1 class and know the next 12 months provides a great career opportunity for her.

Leighton Dullard
We were very fortunate that Leighton decided to head home to Swan Hill after a stint overseas and we have loved having him on staff for the past 5 years. He is a terrific teacher and his gentle and kind nature brought the best out in many of our students. We wish Leighton all the best with his move to Melbourne, and feel confident that with lots of friends and family in the area and the excellent golf course at Murray Downs, we will still see plenty of him next year!

Jessi Gleeson
We have been so lucky to have Jessi, working as a teacher in many different roles over several years at St Mary’s. With Jess and her family relocating to Barham, we will now have to share her with some NSW schools. We will really miss Jess as a friend, colleague and teacher and hope that once she is settled into her new home, she will be able to rejoin us in some capacity at St Mary’s.

Brenda Ford
We have been incredibly blessed to have Brenda on our wellbeing team for many years and her wisdom, faith in each child to reach their full potential and expertise, will be sorely missed by students and staff alike. However, we are also excited for Brenda as she follows her heart and we wish her the very best with her new venture.

We also say farewell to the following students;
Oliver and Maddison Sparks, Ivy Quigley, Tehan Batugoda, Macey Holyoak, Billie Gleeson and Willow Walsh.
We have loved having you at St Mary’s and wish you all the very best with your new schools.
While it is hard to believe we have only a few days of school left, there is certainly plenty happening between now and Friday.

Year 6 Graduation - Monday December 11th
Tonight, we are farewelling our Year 6 students at school with a family gathering and awards ceremony. The Year 6 Graduation Night commences with an award ceremony that will begin at 7.00pm, BYO picnic tea from 6.00pm. We look forward to seeing family and friends gathering to wish them all the very best before heading to secondary school. A special thanks to our Year 6 team for their organisation of this event.
St Mary’s End of Year Mass
This Wednesday, 13th December at 11.00am we celebrate our school year with a Mass at St Mary’s Church. This Mass is our way to formally reflect upon and celebrate all we have achieved this year and to say farewell to our Year 6 students and any departing staff. We hope many families can attend this Mass as it is such a special occasion for our school community.
Break Up Day - Thursday 14th December
Thursday promises to be an action packed day with all year levels enjoying an array of break up parties and celebrations. While the weather forecast is pleasant, please ensure your child is wearing sunscreen, has their hat and plenty of drinks with them. Please refer to the various notes sent home via PAM by each year level with information about what to wear and bring.
2024 Start of Year Meet the Teacher Chats
It has been terrific to see so many parents logging in and booking a time for our annual 'Meet the Teacher Chats' which are conducted at the start of the school year. Last Wednesday, you received instructions and a code on how to log in to select your preferred time on Monday, 29th January or Wednesday, 31st January. These details are also attached to the newsletter today.
School Reports
The School Reports will be posted early this week and will arrive at your homes shortly. They are a formal way of communicating with you about your children’s learning and indicate progress and effort made over the last semester in all areas of the curriculum. We thank the teachers for all the time and effort they put into the school reports to give families a comprehensive record of their learning in 2023.
Brekky Club
This has once again been a very popular service provided by the school for those children who need something to eat before they begin the day. We have many bus children who begin their day extremely early and this gives them the chance to refuel ready for learning. We thank Trudy for organizing Brekky Club each day and also the parent volunteers who help run this program. Special thanks go to Bakers Delight, who donated all the bread for the toast each day.
Just a reminder that the last day for canteen this year is Wednesday, 13th December.
Finally on behalf of the staff of St Mary’s, I wish you and your loved ones the Peace, Joy and Loving Spirit that is Christmas. For those of you that are travelling to over the break, I hope that you arrive and return safely.

Happy Christmas and take care over the holiday season!
"We have much for which to be thankful"
St Mary MacKillop 1875
Key Dates

Monday December 11th
Year 6 Graduation - 7pm
Wednesday December 13th
End of Year Mass - 11am
Thursday December 14th
Break up day activities
Friday December 15th
Final Day for students - normal finish time
Monday January 29th 2024
Meet the Teacher Chats
Tuesday January 30th 2024
First day for all students
Wednesday January 31st 2024
Meet the Teacher Chats
Tuesday February 6th 2024
School Photos
Wellbeing with Mr Prockter

As we get ready for Christmas and holidays it is more important than ever to be mindful of kindness. It can be such a busy and often stressful time so a little kindness never goes astray.
‘The biggest benefit of being kind is its impact on our own mental health and on those around you. Simply put, it makes you happy! According to one study, happiness stems from the achievement of a psychological reward, and being kind to others is one of our important adaptive goals.’
‘Being kind also creates a sense of belonging and reduces self-isolation.’ ‘Finally, kindness is infectious’. ‘Make kindness the norm!’
RE with Mrs Davies
Christmas Eve Nativity Play
For any families interested in participating in the annual Christmas Eve Nativity Play at Mass beginning at 6pm on the 24th December please email Mrs Davies with your children’s names. We will have a practice at the Church next week sometime - more details will be provided via email.
End of Year Mass
This Wednesday at 11am we will be holding our whole school End of Year Mass to be held at St Mary’s Church. Family and friends are more than welcome to join us for this special celebration.
PE with Miss Clark
School Sport Victoria Award Winners
At the Year 6 Graduation night tonight there will be two students presented with the School Sport Victoria Academic and Sporting achievement award. These students have demonstrated outstanding efforts in both the classroom and the sporting arena. Congratulations to Prue O and Oliver S for receiving this award.
@2 Murlong Before & After School Care

The Out of School Hours Care program, @ 2 Murlong, is operating out of the gym hub and provides before and after school care for school age children in the Swan Hill area. Please express your interest via the following link;

News from the Office

Library Books
We still have over 800 books out on loan, please return any library books you have at home this week.
Rapid Antigen Tests
We have excess supply of Rapid Antigen Tests available for families. You can collect test kits from the office between 8.30am and 4pm.
Donations to our second hand cupboard
We are currently accepting donations of the following second hand uniform items; polo shirts, grey shorts and sports shorts.
Meet the Teacher Chats - instructions to book your interview are outlined below.
Login code: grtwm

News from the Canteen
The last day for canteen orders for 2023 will be this Wednesday, December 13th.
The canteen will be closed on Thursday and Friday.

Thank-you to the parents who have volunteered in the canteen and at breakie club this year. You help hasn't gone unnoticed and it is very much appreciated. Have a safe and happy Christmas, Trudy.
Birthday Wishes

Christmas Carols Highlights
Community News