Newsletter Term 4 Week 8
Principal's Message
Dear Parents and Families,
The term is flying by and it seems incredible to think that we only have a month of school left for the children. With Christmas not too far away, our students are busy practicing carols for our annual carols night at Riverside Park on Tuesday December 5th. Congratulations must go to our Year 6 students who ran an impressive Market Day last week. With businesses selling everything from car washing, baking, and face painting to my personal favourite-gourmet dog treats, there was something to tempt even the most discerning shoppers! Not only did they learn a great deal about budgets, profit and loss and marketing, the students raised an impressive $2581.40 (after expenses) which will be donated equally to The Swan Hill Food Hub and The Royal Children's Hospital. Lastly we say farewell and good luck to Aiden Cyriac (3S) and Nhan Pham (5H) who are both relocating to Bendigo to live. We have all really enjoyed teaching both boys and wish them and all the very best at their new schools.

Adjusted start to school day - 2024
At St Mary’s we want to ensure that all students have the opportunity to begin their school day smoothly. For this reason, the town bus arrival time is one of the contributing factors to altering the start of our instructional day next year.
From the start of 2024, the start of the school day has been altered by 5 minutes. This means the music will start at 9:00am and the first bell which signals the start of the instructional day will now sound at 9:05am. Likewise Breakfast Club times will be extended so that it closes 5 minutes later. This change will not affect the overall instructional time for students at school, as it has been accommodated through a slight reduction in our school lunch time break. School gates will open as normal at 8:30 am.
Class Structures 2024
St Mary’s numbers have remained very stable and we will run 27 straight classes again in 2024. We are finalising our staffing needs and hope to share our classroom teacher placement for the next school year on the newsletter next week.
Foundation x 4 | Year 1 x 4 |
Year 2 x 5 | Year 3 x 3 |
Year 4 x 3 | Year 5 x 4 |
Year 6 x 4 |
St. Mary’s School Advisory Council (SAC)
Last Tuesday at the St. Mary’s School Advisory Council AGM, we were delighted to accept a nomination from Amy Crow to join the SAC as a parent representative and to show SAC members through our new junior hub.
Foundation 2024 Information Evening & Fly into Foundation Program
We are really looking forward to Fly into Foundation, our Term 4 transition program for preschoolers who have enrolled at St Mary’s, which commences this Thursday 23rd & Friday 24th November. This 3 week program gives our newest students the chance to become familiar with the learning spaces at St Mary’s, the routine of coming to school and the development of connections and relationships with some of the teachers at our school before starting here next year. Next Wednesday 29th November, we are holding our Foundation Information evening for the parents of our 2023 Foundation children. The meeting will take place via Zoom and we look forward to seeing everyone online and sharing important information about the start of the school year. All relevant information and links have been sent to families.

Casual Dress Friday 24th November
This Friday 24th November, is our next casual dress day with gold coin donations going towards the SRC purchasing presents for local families in need this Christmas. These gifts are purchased and wrapped by the SRC students and placed under the parish Christmas tree at the end of the year. The theme for this month is Christmas themed outfits or colours.

St Mary’s Got Talent!
Back by popular demand St Mary’s got Talent is coming soon! Auditions are coming up with 3 days of amazing talent on display during lunchtimes in Week 10! We all love this very popular Term 4 event and are always amazed at the talent we have amongst our student body.

I hope you all enjoy the week ahead and look forward to many families joining us at the last assembly for the year, run by our School captains.
"We have much for which to be thankful"
St Mary MacKillop 1875
Key Dates

Thursday November 23rd & Friday November 24th
Fly into Foundation Session 1
Friday November 24th
Soccer Clinic Year 4
Final Assembly for 2023 - 12.25pm
Monday November 27th - Thursday November 30th
Fly into Foundation Session 2
Friday December 1st
Advent Liturgy
Tuesday December 5th
Christmas Carols Evening - 6pm
Thursday December 7th
Pupil Free Day
Friday December 8th
Orientation Day
Monday December 11th
Year 6 Graduation - 7pm
Wednesday December 13th
End of Year Mass - 11am
Thursday December 14th
Break up day activities
Friday December 15th
Final Day for students
Tuesday January 30th 2024
First day for all students

Wellbeing with Mr Prockter
Child Safe Standard 4: Families and communities are informed and involved in promoting child safety and wellbeing
The Crucial Role of Resilience in Navigating Life's Challenges
In the journey of life, individuals encounter a myriad of challenges and uncertainties. Whether facing personal setbacks, professional hurdles, or global crises, the ability to bounce back and adapt is a fundamental characteristic known as resilience. Resilience plays a crucial role in shaping our responses to adversity and has far-reaching implications for our mental, emotional, and physical well-being. In this article, we will explore the importance of being resilient and how it contributes to personal growth and success.
Resilience equips individuals with the mental and emotional tools needed to adapt to change. Life is inherently unpredictable, and resilience enables us to navigate uncertainties with a positive mindset. Rather than succumbing to the pressures of change, resilient individuals embrace challenges as opportunities for growth.
Life is not without its share of hardships, and resilience serves as a shield against the impact of adversity. Resilient people demonstrate an impressive capacity to withstand setbacks, learn from their experiences, and emerge stronger. The ability to overcome adversity fosters a sense of empowerment and self-efficacy.
Resilience is closely linked to positive mental health outcomes. Individuals with high levels of resilience are better equipped to manage stress, anxiety, and depression. The ability to cope effectively with life's challenges contributes to a more stable and balanced mental well-being.
Resilience extends beyond individual traits and influences interpersonal dynamics. Those who cultivate resilience often form stronger, more supportive relationships. The capacity to navigate difficulties without succumbing to despair fosters empathy and understanding, creating a solid foundation for healthy connections with others.
In the professional realm, resilience is a key determinant of success. The ability to adapt to changing work environments, handle setbacks, and persevere through challenges is highly valued by employers. Resilient individuals demonstrate a proactive approach to problem-solving, making them assets in any professional setting.
Resilience is intrinsically tied to personal growth. When faced with challenges, individuals have the opportunity to learn, adapt, and evolve. Each setback becomes a stepping stone toward greater self-awareness and development, leading to a more fulfilling and purposeful life.
In a world that constantly presents challenges and uncertainties, the importance of resilience cannot be overstated. It is a trait that empowers individuals to face adversity head-on, learn from experiences, and emerge stronger and more adaptable. Resilience is not merely about enduring difficulties; it is about transforming them into opportunities for growth and self-discovery. As we cultivate resilience within ourselves, we not only enhance our own well-being but contribute positively to the resilience of our communities and the world at large. Embracing resilience is a powerful investment in our personal and collective future.
I hope you enjoyed this article!
Have a great week!
Mr Prockter :)
RE with Mrs Davies
Year 3 Confirmation
Over the weekend we had a large number of our Year 3 children complete their Sacrament of Confirmation during our Parish Masses on Saturday evening and Sunday morning. We were very privileged to have Bishop Paul Bird here to lead both masses. A big thank you to our families for their support and guidance of their children over the past month and to Fr James and Mary for all of their knowledge and passion that has been shared with all candidates.

PE with Miss Clark
State Basketball
On Tuesday the 14th of November we had our St Mary’s girls Basketball team represent our school in Melbourne at the State Basketball finals. The girls played 3 nail biting games but unfortunately didn’t come away with a win. The girls can all hold their heads high and be proud of an amazing achievement to play competitively at a high level in a high pressure situation and walk away with 3 very close games. What a fantastic experience for the girls.
Congratulations again to Asha N, Prue O, Daisy M, Lily N, Lola P, Evie K, Mayla C and Charli W.
A big thank you to coaches Tenay and Adam and also to the parents who travelled down.

St Mary’s tops reminder
Still chasing any students who have a St Mary’s top from a recent sporting event this term such as Athletics or Basketball could they please return it to the PE office.
House Captain Interviews
Now that the school captains have been selected, those students that have written letters for House Captain positions can expect interviews to be early this week. Students may like to start thinking about some questions they will be asked at interviews such as ‘Why do you want to be House Captain?’ ‘What are your strengths?’ ‘Who is your sports role model and why?’ Interviews will be conducted as a group and everyone will be asked the same question and be given an opportunity to speak. Goodluck to all the applicants!
@2 Murlong Before & After School Care

The Out of School Hours Care program, @ 2 Murlong, is operating out of the gym hub and provides before and after school care for school age children in the Swan Hill area. Please express your interest via the following link;

News from the Office
Breakfast Club Donations
We are kindly asking for donations of Vegemite for our Breakfast Club Program. Donations can be left at the office.
Rapid Antigen Tests
We have excess supply of Rapid Antigen Tests available for families. You can collect test kits from the office between 8.30am and 4pm.
Hats & Jumpers
Just a reminder to clearly label all school items, in particular jumpers and hats.
News from the Canteen

How to order:
Ordering from our canteen for recess or lunch is online via CDF Pay
Orders are to be placed by 9.30am. We recommend ordering the night before.
If you are able to help in the canteen during Term 4, please contact the office on 50332541 or email

Student of the Week
Birthday Wishes

What's happening in 1W?