Newsletter Term 3 Week 2
Principal's Message
Key Dates
Wellbeing with Mrs Gook
Curriculum News with Mrs Hall
Religious Education with Mrs Davies
Physical Education with Miss Clark
Sustainability with Mrs Ward
@2 Murlong Before & After School Care
News from the Office
News from the Canteen
School Disco
Student of the Week
Birthday Wishes
Community News
What's happening in 4K?
Principal's Message
Dear Parents and Families,
Yesterday, we received the very sad news that Rick Anderson (husband to Lisa) passed away on Saturday evening. Lisa is a much loved staff member and a special friend to many children who see her each week in the library. At this time our school community offers its heartfelt condolences, thoughts and prayers to Lisa and her family.
On Friday we were privileged to have the De La Salle boys band perform for our students. Comprising of almost 60 musicians, the band played for us as part of their annual regional tour. The boys aged from Year 8-12 were extremely accomplished musicians and vocalists and our students really enjoyed what was a great performance, the highlight being Thirsty Merc's, In the Summertime! It was really uplifting to see how enthusiastic our students especially the younger children were about joining in and singing and dancing along to the different songs played.
Being exposed to some great musicians continued this week with Gen Bryant and her band performing for the school this morning. Back by popular demand we all enjoyed and were inspired by Gen’s music as she played many original songs which share her love of God and her faith.
Finally we welcome Jo-ann (Year 4L) and Henco (Foundation E) Van Der Westhuizen who join our school today community today.
Sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist
It was lovely to see our children from Years 4-6 children celebrating their Sacrament of Confirmation and Eucharist at our Parish Masses over the weekend and witness their excitement at taking this next step on their faith journey. What a beautiful celebration it was and I thank Mrs Davies and the teachers for their support in preparing the children and to Fr James for making this such a special occasion.
School Disco - Friday July 22nd
Always huge on the calendar, the St Mary's School Disco has returned and takes place on Friday July 22nd at Jubilee Centre at St Mary MacKillop College. With Disco Joe Dorigo onboard, we are looking forward to seeing some amazing dance moves from the kids! If your child is attending, please return the permission form by Wednesday, 20th July.
Foundation - Year 2: 4.45pm - 5.30pm
Year 3 - Year 6: 6pm - 7pm
Curriculum Newsletters
This week, your child will bring home a copy of their Term 3 curriculum newsletter that outlines the key learning that will take place in their classroom and when they attend specialist classes. The curriculum newsletters are produced to assist you to know what is happening at school so you can chat more knowledgeably with your child about the many exciting things they are involved with at St Mary’s.
Flying Start and 2023 Enrolments
We are really looking forward to the commencement of the 2022 Flying Start program which commence this Thursday and getting to know many of our 2023 Foundation students and their families before they commence school next year. Limited places are available in some sessions so please let family and friends know there is still time to ring the office for more information and don't forget to watch our series of videos that showcase our school in action on the St Mary’s Facebook page.
St Mary’s Way - Manners Blitz
As part of our commitment to School Wide Positive Behavour we regularly chose a pro-social skill to focus on. This week we begin our whole school ‘blitz’ on manners and will be actively looking out for students who are displaying good manners - saying please and thank you, waiting their turn etc.
Parent Helpers Workshop
Good news travels fast! We had a very good turnout from parents at our first parent helpers workshop and steady enquiry since so Mrs Hall is running a repeat of the first workshop on Wednesday July 20th from 9.15am-10:00am. Please ring the office to let us know you are planning to attend.
St Mary MacKillop College - Transition Day 2
Just a reminder that the next transition day is Tuesday, 26th July and is only for those children who are already enrolled at St Mary MacKillop College for 2023. Other Yr 6 students are expected to attend school as normal. On this day the Year 6's are to wear their sports uniform and make their own way there and home. Country bus travellers are dropped off at Mackillop in the morning and shuttled to the secondary College to get their bus home. A hard copy of all information has been supplied to families who have completed the enrolment process.
Parent Teacher Interviews
Our second round of Parent Teacher Interviews will be conducted in Weeks 7 & 8 of this term. Online bookings will be advertised via PAM, the newsletter and on our Facebook page closer to the date.
It was lovely to see so many families at our assembly last Friday. Congratulations to our wonderful and talented Foundation T children as this was the first time they had led assembly prayer. We look forward to being led by 5 Yellow students this week.
Key Dates
Monday July 18th
Gen Bryant School Performance
Wednesday July 20th
Classroom Literacy Support Helper Workshop
Thursday July 21st & Friday July 22nd
Flying Start commences (session 1)
Friday July 22nd
P&F School Disco
Assembly 12.25pm 5 Yellow
Saturday July 23rd & Sunday July 24th
Eucharist & Confirmation
Monday July 25th
Year 6 Camp information meeting - 3.30pm
More details to come
Tuesday July 26th
St Mary MacKillop Transition Day
Thursday July 28th & Friday July 29th
Flying Start (session 2)
Friday July 29th
Assembly 12.25pm 1P
Monday August 1st-Thursday August 4th
Year 6 Camp
Wellbeing with Mrs Gook
Courage & Crowns
We invite all our Year 5 & 6 daughters and mothers/carers to come to our “Courage & Crowns” workshops presented by Megan Simpson. Megan has 29 years experience in wellbeing and is a great advocate and leader in teaching young girls about self love, self worth and high standards. The workshops will be presented over 2 nights, Tuesday 9th August and Tuesday 6th September at 6.00pm.
Workshop 1 - Building the foundations of self-love and self-worth.
Workshop 2 - Developing a deeper understanding of emotional wellness and develop a personal suitcase of self-love.
Please find attached the below flyer for more details.
Curriculum News with Mrs Hall
Classroom, Literacy Support Helpers Workshop
After such a positive response to our Literacy Support workshop last term, we have decided to run it again this week on Wednesday 20th July. If you are interested in supporting Literacy in our Junior rooms or learning more about supporting your child at home with their home reading, please feel free to come along. Our session will run from
9.15-10.00 in the staff workroom and we ask you to call the office to register your attendance. Please see attached flyer below.
Religious Education with Mrs Davies
Congratulations to all of the children who completed their Sacrament of First Eucharist and/or Confirmation. It was a wonderful celebration with family and friends and we were extremely lucky to have Gen Bryant and her band to do the music over both Saturday and Sunday Masses. A big thank you to Fr James and Mary for their preparation towards this special time for the children.
Physical Education with Miss Clark
State Cross Country
On Thursday the 14th of July we had four St Mary’s students compete at the State Cross Country in Melbourne. Well done to Callum M, Asha N, Indigo P and Lily N for their efforts on the day. To qualify, these students had to make it through School, Division and Regional competitions. It is pretty amazing to think that a little town of Swan Hill can have a group of students from St Mary’s representing our school at States. They should all be very proud of their achievements to get to this level!
Gymnastics After School Program
The Active Afterschool program is happening again this term this time with Gymnastics.
The program will offer fun, safe and inclusive physical activities providing children with the opportunity to develop essential motor skills while being active FREE OF CHARGE. There are 5 sessions after school and are open to students in Years 2-6. A healthy afternoon tea is also provided at the beginning of each session.
Students that are interested in participating will be given a permission slip in their note basket to take home to sign and bring back asap. There is a maximum of 24 students to participate, so some students may miss out.
GYMNASTICS SESSIONS: (Thursdays) August 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th and September 1st. - 3:30pm - 4:30pm
All abilities are catered for and children are encouraged to attend ALL sessions. Children will stay at school at the end of the school day and catch a bus to the Swan Hill Gymnastics Club with myself and/or a member of Senior Leadership. Parents are advised to collect their child/ren from the Gymnastics carpark at 19 Webster Drive, Swan Hill at 4:30pm.
Sustainability with Mrs Ward
A new initiative within the sustainability aspect of our school newsletter is to provide families with a weekly sustainability tip or new learning from the students and staff within our school. Our tips aim to be easily implemented in everyone’s lives.
This week’s learning comes from the students of 3J:
“Sustain-ability: the ability to sustain and keep the world going the same way that God first created for us.”
@2 Murlong Before & After School Care
The Out of School Hours Care program, @ 2 Murlong, is operating out of the gym hub and provides before and after school care for school age children in the Swan Hill area. Please express your interest via the following link;
News from the Office
School Beanies
The days are freezing...........jump on to CDF Pay and order your child a beanie
($15 each).
Book Club - Issue 5
Scholastic Book Club Issue 5 has been sent home. We will not be accepting cash payments for orders. Please order online following the instructions below.
Issue 5 orders are due by Thursday July 28th
This is the link for LOOP, which will allow you to make an online order and payment;
If you are not registered for LOOP, click on the link above and create a new account. You will need to enter your details, add children and select our school (typed as is here); St. Mary's SWAN HILL
If you have any questions or are having trouble with the LOOP ordering system, please contact the office via email -
Rapid Antigen Test Collection - Weeks 1-4
You can collect your test kits from the office window for Weeks 1-4 (2 boxes per student) between 8.30am and 4pm. Please notify the office via email if someone else will be collecting them on your behalf.
Donations of second hand uniforms
We are after donations of second hand tracksuit pants, grey long pants, grey shorts and winter skirts. These can be left at the office.
Breakfast Club
Breakfast Club is kindly asking for donations of vegemite and jam. Donations can be dropped at the office.
News from the Canteen
Hot Roast Chicken, Cheese and Gravy Rolls are available through the 'Daily Specials" menu every Wednesday.
Our cut off time for CDF Pay orders is 9.30am
We require helpers in the canteen on Mondays and Tuesdays in Term 3. Please email the office if you are able to assist.