Newsletter Term 4 Week 2
Principal's Message
Dear Parents and Families,
Hope you had a relaxing weekend and you are ready for the week ahead. Heading around classrooms this morning, it has been a delight to see the students so settled and engaged with school this term.
Life as a retiree is a busy one and we have been hard pressed to catch up with Mrs Gook! However, we did eventually manage to pin her down and on Friday night and staff gathered to farewell Ginny in style and wish her all the very best on her retirement. While we will formally acknowledge Ginny’s many significant contributions to St Mary’s at our end of year Mass, I hope many of you can join us this Friday as, our assembly prayer led by 6P is a thank you to Mrs Gook from the students. Good luck to all our students participating in the Regional Athletics today and lastly, a warm welcome to Sukhman Kaur and her brother Sukhraj Singh who start at St Mary’s in 5H and Foundation Yellow this week.
Grandparents & Friends Day- Friday October 20th
This week the children continue their preparation for Grandparents & Friends Day which is coming up next week on Friday October 20th. For those who are new to our school, this event incorporates a visit to your child’s classroom to see all the fun and great learning that happens in our school and then families stay on for a concert performed by the students. As a a significant part of our playground is fenced off as part of the junior hub construction, we will not be running the food truck street this year. Instead families are very welcome to bring a picnic lunch to share on our grounds before the concert commences. BYO chairs is also a very good idea.
Parents and Friends Raffle
Parents and Friends have organised a raffle in the lead up to Grandparents Day with all proceeds going to the installation of a new Ninja Playground in 2024. Please keep a look out for tickets coming home today!
Swimming Program
Taking on board feedback from families last year, St Mary’s has expanded its swimming program to incorporate lessons for children from year 1-4. This week our Year 1 and 2 Swimming programs commence, with our Year 3 and Year 4 programs occurring later in the term.
Year 1 Camp
The Year 1 students absolutely loved the time on camp with their visit to the Police Station and local CFA getting the thumbs up as top attractions! A big thanks to our Year 1 teachers for organising such a terrific camp experience and I’m sure families all enjoyed hearing about how much fun their children had when out and about.
Summer Uniform and being Sunsmart
As the weather heats up in Term 4, students need to be wearing their School hat when playing outside as part of our commitment to being a Sunsmart school. This means that hats are worn during Term 1 and Term 4. Please ensure that your child has a clearly labelled school hat for Term 4 as all students at St Mary’s are required to wear their school hat during playtime breaks and outdoor school activities such as sport. Please note that full summer uniform is to be worn this term. If you are unsure of the uniform please refer to our school webpage or check the 2023 Parent Information handbook.
St Vinnies-Good Kitchen
I would like to make families aware that free meals are served from the Parish Function Centre from 6pm each Tuesday night. This is a great opportunity for the community to come together and have a meal with other people. All are welcome to attend
2024 Classes
We are constructing class groups for next year over the next few weeks. In doing this, academic, social and emotional considerations of all students are taken into account to inform decisions. Any parental considerations regarding your child’s 2024 placement must be emailed to or delivered to the office in an envelope marked Att: Principal by Friday October 27th. Please do not assume previous requests are ongoing as we begin each year afresh at St Mary’s.
I would ask that any family who believes that they will not be here at St Mary’s in 2024 to let me know (via email or a phone call) this information affects possible class structures for next year. Thank you for your consideration.
I hope you all have a great week and look forward to you joining us when 6P host assembly this Friday.
"We have much for which to be thankful"
St Mary MacKillop 1875
Key Dates
Monday October 9th
Regional Athletics
Wednesday October 11th
Year 2 Swimming Program commences
Thursday October 12th
Year 1 Swimming Program commences
Thursday October 12th & Friday October 13th
Philip Green Aboriginal Survival Technology incursion
Friday October 13th
Assembly 12.25pm 6P
Saturday October 14th & Sunday October 15th
Confirmation Parent Sessions
Friday October 20th
Grandparents & Friends Day
Wellbeing with Mr Prockter
In accordance with Child Safe Standard 8: Staff and volunteers are equipped with the knowledge, skills and awareness to keep children and young people safe through ongoing education and training.
Rural Recovery Victoria
Provisional Psychologist Pilot
A new pilot with Federation University, supported by the Victorian Government - All session free of charge.
Providing a direct, free of charge, link to a provisional psychologist, without needing to see your GP for a mental health care plan.
Provisional psychologists are students in their 5th and 6th years of study, who are gaining their final experience before registration. All provisional psychologists complete regular sessions with board approved supervisors .
This service is for children, adolescents and adults who are noticing signs that they may not be functioning at their best, as a method of early intervention. If you have a diagnosed mental illness please speak to your GP about what would be the best service for you.
This pilot is for people in rural and regional Victoria only.
Signs that you might not be functioning at your best include frequent feelings of sadness, trouble concentrating, feeling overwhelmed, problems with your work, family or social relationships.
Areas of interest addressed via this service are:
-Grief and loss
-Sleep problems
If you are seeking help for something not listed here, please book a registered psychologist here
Click the below link to access:
Have a great week 🙂
Mr Prockter
RE with Mrs Davies
Year 3 Sacrament of Confirmation - Term 4
Just a reminder to our Year 3 Families that the Sacrament of Confirmation is coming up this term for children who are baptised Catholics. The Enrolment Masses will be held this weekend 14/15th October. All information about sacraments will be provided at these Masses. A note has been sent to all baptised Catholic families today - please contact the front office if you did not receive this letter
PE with Miss Clark
Hello everyone I am back from my overseas holiday feeling recharged and ready to get back into an exciting Term 4 in PE. I would like to say a massive thank you to Mr Smith for teaching PE in Term 3. It made my trip stress-free knowing all the classes were in such good hands!
Regional Athletics
Good luck to the 43 students attending Regional Athletics in Bendigo today. It looks like the weather will be perfect for students to do their best in their events. What a fantastic achievement by so many students to get to this level!
@2 Murlong Before & After School Care
The Out of School Hours Care program, @ 2 Murlong, is operating out of the gym hub and provides before and after school care for school age children in the Swan Hill area. Please express your interest via the following link;
News from the Office
Rapid Antigen Tests
We have excess supply of Rapid Antigen Tests available for families. You can collect test kits from the office between 8.30am and 4pm.
School Fees 2023
Thank-you to those who have paid their 2023 school fees. The school fees were due by the end of Term 3. Please contact the office if you have any questions about your school fee account.
Hats & Jumpers
Just a reminder to clearly label all school items, in particular jumpers and hats.
Book Club - Issue 7 orders close Monday 23rd October
Scholastic Book Club Issue 7 has been sent home. We will not be accepting cash payments for orders. Please order online following the instructions below. This is the link for LOOP, which will allow you to make an online order and payment; If you are not registered for LOOP, click on the link above and create a new account. You will need to enter your details, add children and select our school (typed as is here); St. Mary's SWAN HILL
If you have any questions or are having trouble with the LOOP ordering system, please contact the office via email
News from the Canteen
Ordering from our canteen for recess or lunch is online via CDF Pay
Orders are to be placed by 9.30am. We recommend ordering the night before.
If you are able to help in the canteen on any of the dates in yellow, please contact the office on 50332541 or email