Newsletter Term 4 Week 4
Principal's Message
Key Dates
Wellbeing with Mrs Gook & Mr Prockter
Curriculum with Mrs Hall
RE with Mrs Davies
PE with Miss Clark
Sustainability with Mrs Ward
@2 Murlong Before & After School Care
News from the Office
News from the Canteen
Student of the Week
Birthday Wishes
Grandparents & Special Friends Night
Community News
Principal's Message
Dear Parents and Families,
We had two very special celebrations over the weekend with almost 50 of our Year 3 students receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation. It was such a joyful and celebratory occasion for the candidates, their sponsors and their families and we thank Fr James, Mary Kennedy, Mrs Davies and the Year 3 teachers for making this such a blessed and special event. We keep the many families affected by the rain and threatened by floodwater in our district at the moment in our prayers and thoughts as we watch anxiously to see what the next few days will bring.

This Friday is the last Friday of the month which means Casual Dress Day! A gold coin donation will go towards local flood relief as we have many people affected by the heavy rains and recent floods in our local area.
School closure days - Monday 31st & Tuesday 1st November
Just a reminder that next Monday is a Pupil Free Day and Tuesday is the Melbourne Cup Public Holiday.
St. Mary’s Book Fair
St. Mary’s Book Fair will be held this week, Tuesday 25th October through to Friday 28th October, with the school receiving 30% of the money raised in book stock for our library. We will have a range of books displayed in the library, which the children will view during their normal library class time. Parents are also welcome to come along at any time during these days. The children will make a “Wish List'' which will then be sent home with an order form. For those families who wish to purchase items, this can be completed and sent back to the office no later than Friday 4th November.

Grandparents & Friends Night
Excitement is building as the children and their teachers finalise preparations for our annual Grandparents and Friends evening. This highly anticipated evening is one of the biggest community events on our school calendar and takes place this Thursday, November 10th so we are in the midst of dance practices and costume making in readiness for our many special visitors.
There will be some information coming home today regarding the evening. Please make sure your child has given all this information to you as sometimes we know it can end up in the bottom of their school bags.

Parents and Friends
Our Parents and Friends offers a wonderful opportunity for families to be involved in the school and has been the start of many new friendships amongst our parent community. Renee Hirst and her team are always looking for new members to support the wonderful work they do with fundraising. Renee is looking for people to help on Grandparents Night selling raffle tickets. Five people are required (4 to sell from tables and 1 roving the crowd) at each of the following time slots:
5.00 pm to 5.30 pm
5.30 pm to 6.00 pm
6.00 pm to 6.30 pm
6.30 pm to 7.00 pm
If you can fill one of these slots please phone the office on 50332541 and we will put your name on the roster.
St. Mary’s School Advisory Council - 2 Vacancies
The School Advisory Council’s role is to support and give advice to the principal in matters which affect St Mary’s. This includes input about policies, aspects of management and in planning future directions for the school.
With some of our parent representatives finishing their two year term in December, currently there are two vacancies on the SAC. Please give this some thought and if you are interested in this area of school life please contact Kate or Jason as we would welcome discussing the SAC with you. Nominations must be handed into the school office by Friday 18th November or by emailing
St. Mary’s School Advisory Council Nomination

2023 Preparation - Families Leaving
We would ask that any family who believes that they will not be here at St Mary’s in 203 to let Kate know as we are have started working on possible class structures for next year. Thank you for your consideration.
A final reminder that any parental considerations regarding your child’s 2023 placement must be emailed to or delivered to the office in an envelope marked Att: Principal by Friday October 28th. Please do not assume previous requests are ongoing as we begin each year afresh at St Mary’s.

I hope you all have a great week and look forward to you joining us when 3J hosts assembly this Friday.
Key Dates
Friday October 28th
Casual Dress Day
Assembly 12.25pm - 3J
Monday October 31st
Pupil Free Day
Tuesday November 1st
Melbourne Cup Public Holiday
Friday November 3rd
Assembly 12.25pm - Foundation C
Thursday November 10th
Grandparents & Friends Night
Wellbeing with Mrs Gook & Mr Prockter

Curriculum with Mrs Hall
Young Writers Awards - “Smile” Competition
We wish all our shortlisted finalists: Raya McK, Darcy McL, Rosie A, Lola V, Kaleila O, Scarlett F, Farhan H, Kathleen K, Willow V, Oliver S, Lil H, Jobe C the very best at the winner's presentation this Wednesday, 26 October at 7 pm at Swan Hill Regional Library. Shortlisted students, their families, teachers and friends are invited to join this event. Invitations have been sent home to the 12 finalists. All shortlisted entrants will receive a certificate and gift, presented to them by Mayor, Bill Moar.

RE with Mrs Davies

Congratulations to some of our Year 3 children who over our weekend Parish Masses celebrated their Sacrament of Confirmation. This is a very special time for these individuals and their families, where children grow stronger in their faith and are strengthened by the Holy Spirit.

PE with Miss Clark
Upcoming Sporting Events
Due to the recent floods, this has impacted a couple of sporting events that were due to run at the end of October. At this stage the following events have been postponed;
-Hot shots Tennis (27th of October)
-Regional Basketball (28th of October)
I will pass on any information to the following children and families that were involved once details are confirmed.
Sustainability with Mrs Ward

National Water Week
All Australians are encouraged to join a nationwide action supporting climate change and understanding the importance of water, by challenging themselves for one night to go without using taps and running water from 5-10pm!
A great challenge you can take up as a family, whilst discussing the importance of with your children at home.
@2 Murlong Before & After School Care

The Out of School Hours Care program, @ 2 Murlong, is operating out of the gym hub and provides before and after school care for school age children in the Swan Hill area. Please express your interest via the following link;

News from the Office
Change of Clothes
Just a reminder that if your child requires a change of clothes at school, please wash and return the items to school as soon as possible. We have a limited supply of spare clothes, so if you think your child may need a change of clothes, especially in the wet weather, please pack these in your childs bag.
St Mary's Book Fair
St. Mary’s Book Fair will be held this term on Tuesday 25th October to Friday 28th October, with orders taken until the 4th of November. The school receives 30% of the money raised in book stock for our library, which provides us with a chance to stock up on many of the children's favourite books.
We will have a large range of books displayed in the library, which the children will view during their normal library class time. Parents are also welcome to come along at any time during these days. The children will make a “Wish List” which will then be sent home with an order form. This can be completed and sent back to the office no later than Friday 4th November. A good opportunity to buy for Christmas.
Rapid Antigen Test Collection - Weeks 1 - 4
You can collect your test kits from the office window for Weeks 1-4 (2 boxes per student) between 8.30am and 4pm. Please notify the office via email if someone else will be collecting them on your behalf.
News from the Canteen
available on Wednesday from the Specials Menu for $4.50!
Our cut off time for CDF Pay orders is 9.30am
WE NEED YOUR HELP!!!!!!! If you are able to help in the canteen in Term 4, please contact the office on 50332541 or email

Student of the Week
Birthday Wishes
Grandparents & Special Friends Night

Community News