Newsletter Term 4 Week 3
Principal's Message
Key Dates
Wellbeing with Mrs Gook & Mr Prockter
Curriculum with Mrs Hall
RE with Mrs Davies
PE with Miss Clark
Sustainability with Mrs Ward
@2 Murlong Before & After School Care
News from the Office
News from the Canteen
Student of the Week
Birthday Wishes
Regional Athletics Highlights
Community News
Principal's Message
Dear Parents and Families,
What an end to the week that was with the rain and flooding in our local community. Despite having our own personal swimming pool on the back oval on Friday which limited our outdoor play options, the kids were very happy to get outside and make the most of recess and lunch and the spaces they had available for games.
Unfortunately, on Sunday, after consultation with the CEB, we postponed the Year 5 Camp due to the ongoing floods. We are currently looking for a replacement date later in the term if possible.
Well done to our choir who, under Mrs Dunstan's direction, sang beautifully at assembly last Friday and we look forward to another performance before the end of the school year.
Grandparents & Friends Night
Just some advance notice so you can mark it on the family calendar. After a two year hiatus, Grandparents Night is back on Thursday 10th November. For those that are new to our school, this runs from 5-7.45pm and incorporates the opportunity to visit your child’s classroom and share in their learning and then stay on for a concert performed by the students. The children have commenced practising for the concert under the direction of Miss Natasha and there are some pretty special dance moves in the making! Practical information about what the children need to wear (we keep it very simple) will be sent out in early November.

St. Mary’s School Advisory Council - 2 Vacancies
The School Advisory Council’s role is to support and give advice to the principal in matters which affect St Mary’s. This includes input about policies, aspects of management and in planning future directions for the school.
With some of our parent representatives finishing their two year term in December, currently there are two vacancies on the SAC. Please give this some thought and if you are interested in this area of school life please contact Kate or Jason as we would welcome discussing the SAC with you. Nominations must be handed into the school office by Friday 18th November or by emailing
St. Mary’s School Advisory Council Nomination

St. Mary’s Book Fair
Lisa and Lou have been busy organising this event and we see the return of the St. Mary’s Book Fair between Tuesday 25th October to Friday 28th October. More information in the office section of the newsletter.
Upcoming School Closure
Just a reminder for families that staff professional development and a public holiday coming up soon. Our OSHC program will not be operating either day.
Monday October 31st - School Closure Day
Tuesday November 1st - Public Holiday (Melbourne Cup)
2023 Class Structures & Families Leaving
We are constructing class groups for next year at the moment. In doing this, academic, social and emotional considerations of all students are taken into account to inform decisions. Any parental considerations regarding your child’s 2023 placement must be emailed to or delivered to the office in an envelope marked Att: Principal by Friday October 28th. Please do not assume previous requests are ongoing as we begin each year afresh at St Mary’s.
I would ask that any family who believes that they will not be here at St Mary’s in 2023 to let me know (via email or a phone call) this information affects possible class structures for next year. Thank you for your consideration.
St Vinnies-Good Kitchen
I would like to make families aware that free meals are served from the Parish Function Centre from 6-8pm each Tuesday night. This is a great opportunity for the community to come together and have a meal with other people. All are welcome to attend.

I hope you all have a great week and look forward to you joining us when 2R host assembly this Friday.
Key Dates
Friday October 21st
Assembly 12.25pm - 2R
Saturday October 22nd/Sunday October 23rd
Year 3 Confirmation
Thursday October 27th
Regional Hotshots Tennis - information to follow
Friday October 28th
Assembly 12.25pm - 3J
Regional Basketball - information sent via PAM
Monday October 31st
Pupil Free Day
Tuesday November 1st
Melbourne Cup Public Holiday
Wellbeing with Mrs Gook & Mr Prockter
Easing children’s anxiety
The following are some thoughts from Michael Grose who is one of Australia’s leading parenting experts and well renowned around the world.
Anxiety is normal and part of everyday life. There’s no better time than childhood for learning how to cope with anxiety. For those with no personal experience of anxiety it can be hard to understand how debilitating it can be. “Come on, get on with it,” seems so obvious. Of course, this response is nowhere near adequate.
Most kids experience some anxious moments or have fearful thoughts and feelings from time to time about certain events. These thoughts and feelings prompt them to proceed with caution. But anxiety and fear can be paralysing. Some kids simply can’t stop their ‘bad thoughts and feelings’. They can’t silence the voice of fear that whispers to them continually.
Staying calm
Anxiety is a normal part of life and can be managed, but it takes time. It’s also contagious so it’s the job of parents to stay calm, think clearly and role model confidence when kids get anxious. Calm is created through your words, voice and facial expression.
When children become anxious, help them recognise what’s happening. Some kids get angry, some become upset and others withdraw. Work out the pattern for your child and help them recognise when they are anxious. Accept your child’s anxious feelings. Your child needs to trust that you are with them, and then they will be more willing to let you help them cope. It’s hard sometimes to differentiate between what may be a bad case of negative thinking and true anxiety.
Is a child being negative when she doesn’t want to join a new club because she thinks no one will like her, or is there something more going on? Try to confirm whether there is any validity in their fears. If not, point out diplomatically that they may be catastrophising. If you feel there is reason for concern, help them to overcome their anxiety.
Challenge the validity of your child’s fears and anxiety, using logic and rational thinking. Don’t allow kids to wallow in self-pity. Move their thoughts towards the future rather than allow them to mope around.
More next week on this topic....
Curriculum with Mrs Hall

Young Writers Awards - “Smile” Competition
We are very excited to announce the following students have been shortlisted as finalists. We give a big congratulations to:

The winner's presentation will be held on Wednesday, 26 October at 7pm at Swan Hill Regional Library. Shortlisted students, their families, teachers and friends are invited to join this event. Invitations have been sent home to the 11 finalists. All shortlisted entrants will receive a certificate and gift, presented to them by Mayor, Bill Moar.
RE with Mrs Davies

Confirmation Celebrations - Year 3 Children
This weekend at our Parish Masses some of our Year 3 Children will be receiving their Sacrament of Confirmation. This is a very exciting time for these children and their families. These children began their Sacramental journey at Baptism when they were filled with his life and grace and welcomed into his family, the Church. As they now grow in maturity and faith as followers of Jesus, he invites them to further deepen their relationship with him by continuing on their Sacramental journey. Please make contact with Fr James at the Parish if you have any questions or further queries about Confirmation.
A reminder, on the day of your child's Confirmation celebration:
* Dress - smart casual, whatever they feel comfortable in
** Wear stole with symbol (make contact with Parish if you require any of these - $10 for stole)
***Arrive 10-15min prior to beginning of Mass and say hi to Fr James and let him know you are there
PE with Miss Clark
Regional Athletics
Last Monday there were 35 students that went to Bendigo who participated in Regional Athletics. They were very lucky with the weather, the sun was out and not too cold.
All the students did such a great job competing and did our school proud.
The top three students in each event received a medal. Here are the students who received a medal from St Mary’s:
2nd Discus: Maverik B
2nd Shot Put: Violet C
1st 200m Sprint: Kayla Mc
1st 100m Sprint: Kayla Mc
2nd 200m Sprint: Isla B
2nd High Jump: Ollie S
2nd Hurdles: Myles H
3rd Triple Jump: Ollie S
3rd Long Jump: Myles H
3rd 9-10 girls relay team: (Willow V, April T, Indigo P, Belle L)
1st 11 girls relay team: (Kayla Mc, Kayla S, Lola R, Natalia B)
Students who came first or second in their event have qualified for the State Level in Melbourne on November 2nd. Well done again to all students that competed!
Sustainability with Mrs Ward

‘Buy Nothing New Month’
October is ‘Buy Nothing New Month’ in Australia, as we are all encouraged to not buy anything new except food, hygiene and medical products.
This initiative inspires us all to be mindful of how sustainable we really are with our ‘throw away’ purchases. If you’re in need for some extra items- head to a local op shop and see what gems you can discover!
@2 Murlong Before & After School Care

The Out of School Hours Care program, @ 2 Murlong, is operating out of the gym hub and provides before and after school care for school age children in the Swan Hill area. Please express your interest via the following link;

News from the Office
Change of Clothes
Just a reminder that if your child requires a change of clothes at school, please wash and return the items to school as soon as possible. We have a limited supply of spare clothes, so if you think your child may need a change of clothes, especially in the wet weather, please pack these in your childs bag.
St Mary's Book Fair
St. Mary’s Book Fair will be held this term on Tuesday 25th October to Friday 28th October, with orders taken until the 4th of November. The school receives 30% of the money raised in book stock for our library, which provides us with a chance to stock up on many of the children's favourite books.
We will have a large range of books displayed in the library, which the children will view during their normal library class time. Parents are also welcome to come along at any time during these days. The children will make a “Wish List” which will then be sent home with an order form. This can be completed and sent back to the office no later than Friday 4th November. A good opportunity to buy for Christmas.
Rapid Antigen Test Collection - Weeks 1 - 4
You can collect your test kits from the office window for Weeks 1-4(2 boxes per student) between 8.30am and 4pm. Please notify the office via email if someone else will be collecting them on your behalf.
Issue 7 orders are due Friday October 21st
Scholastic Book Club Issue 7 has been sent home. We will not be accepting cash payments for orders. Please order online following the instructions below. This is the link for LOOP, which will allow you to make an online order and payment; If you are not registered for LOOP, click on the link above and create a new account. You will need to enter your details, add children and select our school (typed as is here); St. Mary's SWAN HILL
If you have any questions or are having trouble with the LOOP ordering system, please contact the office via email
News from the Canteen
Corn chips with salsa & cheese are available every Friday
from the Specials Menu for $4.50!
Our cut off time for CDF Pay orders is 9.30am
WE NEED YOUR HELP!!!!!!! If you are able to help in the canteen in Term 4, please contact the office on 50332541 or email

Student of the Week
Birthday Wishes

Regional Athletics Highlights