Newsletter Term 3 Week 10
Principal's Message
Dear Parents and Families,
It is hard to believe that we are at the end of another term. It has been a busy and rewarding time with lots of exciting things happening to provide rich and enjoyable learning experiences for all our children. We hope everyone has a lovely break and comes back recharged and ready for lots of new learning.
This week we say farewell to Mrs Belinda Crowe who commences maternity leave at the end of the term. Belinda has been a terrific teacher and colleague and we will all really miss her professionalism and positive attitude on staff. We thank Belinda for the care and commitment she has shown to her students and wish her and Daniel all the very best as they await the birth of their new baby in November. Nikita Wade and Barb Perry have been appointed to teach 5 Blue for Term 4 and we look forward to them joining the Year 5 team.

Foundation camp
Foundation students are about to embark on their first ever school camp this Tuesday! This year the Foundation students will be spending the day at the Pioneer Settlement followed by Maccas for lunch at Tower Hill Park and finishing with a movie at the Grain Shed.
Our Year 3 and 5 children took part in the NAPLAN testing in May and last week the results of these tests were posted to all families. It was another solid result for St Mary’s with our children as a cohort in both year levels doing very well in both the nation and the state in key areas of literacy and numeracy. This is a big pat on the back for our staff and families who worked together throughout the pandemic to ensure continuity of learning and to the teachers who prioritised the teaching of key concepts on the students return from remote learning. The NAPLAN results form part of our whole school data that allows us to identify the areas of strength and the areas that need more work across the school.
Junior Hub update
With everyone relocated to various spots around the school, Condely Constructions commence work today, Monday 12th September, on our new Junior Hub.

Casual Dress -Friday 16th September
The SRC have been busy organising a lot of fun for our final casual dress day of the term. This Friday we are all donning the footy jumpers, beanies and scarves as we raise money to support children with Cerebral Palsy. Gold coin donation. All details contained in the flyer that was sent home last week.
Finishing time for end of Term 3
Please note that the finishing time for this Friday is one hour earlier. Times are as follows:
2:15-Town bus travellers and children who walk or ride a bike
2:20-Country bus travellers
2:25-Children being picked up

Transitioning to Summer Uniform
Towards the end of Term 3 the weather begins to warm up. Children can transition into summer uniform on these warmer days, keeping in mind that there will still be some colder days ahead. By the start of Term 4 all children should be in summer uniform with school hats to be worn at all times whilst outdoors. Please make sure to locate those hats over the break and ensure all hats are named. Children are encouraged during hot weather to apply sunscreen before going out to play and to bring plenty of water to school each day.
I am on leave this week and in my absence Mr Perry will be the Acting Principal and your first point of call. I hope you all have a lovely week and that many of you have the opportunity to join in the fun at the the Foundation camp or can come along when 6W lead assembly on Friday .
Have a blessed and safe holiday break.
Key Dates
Monday September 12th
Division Athletics
Tuesday September 13th
Foundation Camp
Friday September 16th
Casual Dress Day - Footy Colours Day
Assembly 6W 12.25PM
End of Term 3 - early finish
Monday October 3rd
Start of Term 4
Thursday October 6th
Year 1 Camp
Friday October 7th
Assembly 12.25pm - 6B
Wednesday October 12th
Come & Try Morning
Year 2 Swimming program commences
Curriculum News with Mrs Hall
Swan Hill Show
This year we are excited to enter over 100 pieces of work from our school in the local Swan Hill Show. These entries will be on display in the pavilions from 30th Sept-1 Oct. The art teachers have selected a range of beautiful artwork in various forms of media, such as painting, collage and pastel. Our classroom teachers have selected 2-3 entries for the handwriting section per classroom. We congratulate the following children who have had the opportunity to have their work entered into the show this year and wish them the best of luck with their entries.

PE with Miss Clark

Junior Athletics
What a great day we had here at St Mary’s on Tuesday the 6th of September. The weather was perfect and the attitude and effort from our Junior students was amazing! It was a very close battle between all 4 houses in the events and relays. A big thank you to all the parents who volunteered their time on the day and a special mention to all that came to watch and support our students.
The following are the award winners announced at assembly from the day;
Overall House Winner
1st Dingoes- 12.26 2nd Wombats- 11.8 3rd Bandicoots- 11.5 4th Bunyips- 11.01
Relay Results
1st Wombats- 20 points 2nd Bandicoots- 16 points 3rd Dingoes - 14 points 4th Bunyips- 10 points
Age Champions (scored the most points in total for the day)
Foundation girls- Charlotte P Foundation boys- Cooper S
Year 1 girls-Sailor S Year 1 boys- Jimmy H, Freedy P, Lenny H, Darcy M and Parks K
Year 2 girls- Arlee P Year 2 boys- Judd O and Wilhem F
Sportsperson awards (nominated by teachers for showing positive attitude, encouraging others and being your best) Lucy K, Elise K, Jacob C, Max H, Sonny M, Nam D, Zac D, Tawney M, Leni D and Abigail P
Division Athletics
Today we have 69 students representing St Mary’s at the Division Athletics at Ken Harrison Reserve. We wish these students all the best competing in their events for the day.

Sustainability with Mrs Ward
Sustainable School Holiday Activities
Make your own backyard games
Rather than buying new toys for the holidays, there are a range of sustainable backyard games that you and your kids can make reusing household items. TENPIN BOWLING: If you have tennis balls and leftover plastic bottles, paint them white with a couple of red stripes to create your own family tenpin bowling in the backyard. MINI GOLF: Use items around the house to create a course in your backyard - the family member with the most creative hole wins!
Walk more, drive less
With the much needed improvement in the weather, spend time going for a bike ride or a walk. Rather than driving to Nan’s, the park or supermarket and make an adventure out of it by also getting active and leaving the car at home.
Veggie Garden
Spring is the perfect time to get out in the garden either planting something new or reviving an old space. Ideal kid friendly spring vegetables are tomatoes, carrots, capsicums, cucumbers and lettuce.
Pack a picnic
Whether you’re heading away or planning a picnic in the park make sure you pack your essential reusables to avoid any unnecessary plastic. Get the kids involved in preparing the snacks beforehand or bake something special the night before that you can enjoy when you’re there!
Spring clean
To get the house in shape for the warmer months, employ some help from your kids to finally sort out their toys. Make a pile that could be recycled to a local op-shop, rather than thrown away in the bin.
@2 Murlong Before & After School Care

The Out of School Hours Care program, @ 2 Murlong, is operating out of the gym hub and provides before and after school care for school age children in the Swan Hill area. Please express your interest via the following link;

News from the Office
School Fee Reminder
2022 school fees are to be paid in full by Friday September 16th. If you have any questions please contact the office.
Rapid Antigen Test Collection - Week 9, 10 & School Holidays
You can collect your test kits from the office window for Week 9, 10 and the school holidays (2 boxes per student) between 8.30am and 4pm. Please notify the office via email if someone else will be collecting them on your behalf.
Signing in at the Office
Just a reminder to bring your Working with Children's Check with you when you visit our school and remember to sign in and out at the office.
Breakfast Club
Breakfast Club is kindly asking for donations of vegemite and jam. Donations can be dropped at the office.
News from the Canteen
Hot roast chicken, cheese and gravy rolls are available every Wednesday
from the Specials Menu for $3.50!
Our cut off time for CDF Pay orders is 9.30am
We are in the process of putting together our canteen roster for Term 4. Please email the office if you are able to assist.